20K Subscriber Giveaway!

Thank you all so much for helping me reach over 20,000 subscribers on YouTube! To show my subbies my gratitude, I’m giving away a) a giant bag of cosmetics [and a few miscellaneous items] b) $50 Gift Card and c) $50 Visa Card to one lucky subscriber.

To Enter on YouTube:
1. Be a subscriber to my channel
2. Like my giveaway video.
3. Comment on that video with an idea for a video you’d like to see me do in 2017

To enter on Instagram:
1. Follow my account on Instagram (@jessicayflores)
2. Tag two friends on any of my forthcoming giveaway posts
3. Earn a second Instagram entry by reposting any of my forthcoming giveaway images, tag my account
*Your account must be public in order for me to verify your entries*

To enter on Twitter:
1. Follow my account on Twitter (@jessicayflores)
2. Retweet any of my forthcoming giveaway posts
3. Earn a second Twitter entry by reposting any of my forthcoming giveaway posts and tag my account. Also use the the hashtags #DomesticatedMe #DMgiveaway
*Your account must be public in order for me to verify your entries*

To enter on Facebook:
1. Follow my Facebook Page.
2. Comment on any of my forthcoming giveaway posts and tag a friend

This giveaway closes on Monday, June 12th at 11:59PM Eastern Standard Time.

**Due to shipping costs, this giveaway is only for subscribers living in the Continental United States. You must be 18 years of age to enter or have the permission of a guardian.

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