Fit Friday: Avocado, Mango & Red Onion Salad

In today’s Fit Friday post, I’m sharing one of my favorite salad recipes. You can serve it alone as a side salad or serve it over greens as a healthy entree (dinner salad). The ingredients are delicious and the recipe couldn’t be simpler. The three main ingredients are the star of the show but I’m serving it over Organic Girl 50/50 Mixed Greens to give it more substance and since I’m having it as my entire meal. Feel free to do either or mix it up to fit your preference.

Red Onion
Greens (options)
Lemon Juice (as dressing)
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Begin prepping your ingredients by finely chopping some cilantro. I happen to really love cilantro so I’m using a ton.

2. Next chop up some mango. I’m using large green mangos because they tend to be on the more sour side rather than sweet but feel free to choose whichever mango you prefer and is available to you. Try cutting them in wedges like the ones below.

3. Now cut up your ripe Haas avocado in wedges as well.

4. Lastly, chop up your red onions. Try cutting them in thin slices then cut them in half until they’re in  long C shapes. I used about a quarter of my onion.

5. As I mentioned above, you can serve this salad as is or over some greens for a heartier dinner salad. Today, I’m serving them over Organic Girl 50/50 Spring and Spinach mix.

6. I like to plate them in a circular design by placing a few wedges of avocado followed by wedges of mango and placing the onion slices in  between. I then sprinkle the cilantro all over. I let each diner serve themselves and provide them with lemon slices or lemon juice as dressing. They can also salt and pepper their salad to taste.

Try this delicious salad over the weekend and let me know what you think.

Shop some of my favorite salad bowls:
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