Pickling Vegetables

I love pickles. Seriously love them. When I was pregnant, all I craved were cheese burgers with extra (I mean tons!) of pickles. I eat pickled veggies in salads, as side dishes and even in my cocktails. That’s why I was so excited when my husband surprised me with a pickling set a few months back. I finally opened up my kit and wanted to share my experience using the Backyard Farmer Pickling Set and tutorial.

My husband purchased this pickling set on Amazon. The kit comes with 4 plastic mason jars with 4 different pickling recipes for less than $20.
It also includes 4 plastic pickling jars. Each jar contains one of the 4 different flavored pickling brines. Each mix makes 4 pints. 

The first brine I opened up was the Snappy & Sour Pickling Mix.

1. Add brine packet, 1 1/4 cups of white vinegar and 1 3/4 cups of water into a medium sized non-reactive sauce pan.  

I’m using this organic distilled white vinegar from Spectrum Naturals.

2. Heat and stir the mixture until the brine has dissolved.

3. While the mixture is on the oven, prepare your desired vegetables. I’m pickling carrots, red onions and green beans. Once you’ve cut your veggies, place them in the mason jars.

4. Pour in the mixture into the jars. Shake each jar to ensure the brine is distributed evenly. Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours before serving.

5. Enjoy your pickles! 
Try This Pickling Set Yourself:
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