Fit Fridays Return!

It’s a new year and it’s about time I discuss New Year’s Resolutions. The top resolution made by people who make resolutions is to lose weight. Unfortunately, according to a Forbes article, only 8% of those people achieve their resolution. I think two of the big reasons for these “fails” are unrealistic goals and fad diets.

I’m not a fan of diets. Not only because they’re not fun but because they tend not to work. That’s because a person can easily lose weight by cutting out certain food groups or drastically lowering calorie intake, but you can also gain it right back the moment you’re off these diets. That’s why I only like the word diet in its traditional sense – from the Greek word diaita, meaning “way of life”.

You can definitely achieve health milestones if you don’t focus so much on your weight or calorie intake, but instead choose being a healthier you. In my Fit Fridays series, I’ll show you what I did to lose 50lbs and what I do to keep on track. Stay tuned!

Be sure to search for “Fit Fridays” on the blog to check out all of my previous health-related posts.

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