Poshmark Tips: How to Find the Best Deals

As you all know, I’m a huge Poshmark fan and user. If you’re new or would just like to be a better buyer and seller on the consignment app, check out my video below. I also have my tips (including 3 additional tips that I didn’t include in the video) written below.

Fill in your profile with as much detail as possible. If your size varies depending on brands or items, make sure you’ve entered all those sizes. This will ensure you’re not missing any great listings because of this mistake.

Make Reasonable Offers. Most sellers are open to offers. Just make sure you’re polite and making fair offers. The standard is usually no more than a 30% lower than the retail price. Don’t be a low baller and don’t be rude if the seller declines your offer. Bad attitudes help no one in the situation. [This may be a tip of its own!] If you’ve found this item is being sold somewhere for less, you can point that out (politely) to the seller and request for a reduction. Don’t assume the seller is lying or trying to scam buyers. They may not be aware that the item they purchased for full price is now sold for less by retailers.

Purchase Out-of-Season Items. Things will always be much more affordable when they’re out of season. No seller wants to store items that are not being used or in season. So you might find that some sellers will lower the price of these items shortly before entering a new season. You may also convince sellers to reduce their price for this reason. But, as always, be polite when making offers and requesting reductions.

Visit Poshmark’s New Showrooms. Poshmark now offers wonderful showrooms that feature designers, types of items and trends. This is a great way to find really special items for much less than you’d find them elsewhere.  You can find these showrooms under the search tab in the app.

Create an ISO Listing. ISO is an acronym for “In Search Of”. When you create this listing, title it “ISO…” plus whatever item you’re looking for. For example, ISO Full 1950s Style Midi Skirts. Use the picture boxes to post photos of examples of the item you want. Be as descriptive and detailed as possible in the description box. Be sure to include the size, fit, condition, color/print and how much you’re willing to pay for the item.

Make Friends. The thing that differentiates Poshmark from every other consignment store is the community. Make friends and earn the connections you need to be successful as a seller and buyer. Friends become followers and followers share your items (and vise versa!). These users can help you share items you’re selling (and thus earn you money to buy items you’re coveting) and your ISO listings.

Bundles! A bundle is a listing for multiple items you are purchasing from the same seller. You can potentially save big with bundles for two reasons. A. You’re only paying for the shipping of one package (with more than one item inside) rather than paying for the shipping of each item from the same user. B. Many sellers will offer bundle discounts when you purchase more than one item from their closet. But remember, this is something some sellers offer. It’s not mandatory. If you’re purchasing items that are already incredibly discounted or very low, don’t get upset if the seller does not offer an additional discount. [I had an unhappy user in my hands when I didn’t discount a $15 bundle that included a fully beaded top and lace top.]

Did you find these tips helpful? Is there anything else you’d like to know about Poshmark? Let me know in the comment section below.

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