The Best Cameras for Bloggers

Since I posted about purchasing my Canon T3i, I’ve been asked how I decided on that particular camera. I thought I should post my reply here on my blog in case some of you are also researching into the best blogging camera for you.

There are many camera options for bloggers out there. Here are a few:
1. Computer Cameras – Since I began blogging/vlogging, I used the camera from my iMac desktop computer or my MacBook Pro. It was the easiest option for me because that’s where I do all of my video editing. So, I recorded video directly using my iMovie software, edited it and posted to YouTube. I didn’t need a tripod. I didn’t need to find a place to my camera/computer. My iMac is placed on our office’s desk, which faces a neutral wall. (Tip: Don’t shoot in front of a super busy background as it will distract your audience. It may also affect the way your camera picks up light and/or focuses.).

I will probably continue to use my Apple computers to film video for the convenience that I stated above. But I am hoping to ween myself off of it and use my Canon solely. Wish me luck!
1. Web Cams – If you don’t own a computer with a camera in it, you can always buy a web cam to place it. Depending on the video quality, web can be affordable and you them at any office/tech supply store. 

2. Flip Cameras – Flip cameras are very popular. They are small and affordable.  Flip has created software which makes sharing using a flip camera super simple and easy. You can even edit these videos using FlipShare. Many of the videos you see on YouTube are filmed on flip cameras for these reasons. Other brands also have easy to use Flip-style cameras at very good prices.

This can be a great option for someone just starting out or for someone who doesn’t own a computer with a good camera on/in it. 
4. Point and Shoot Cameras – Point and shoot cameras usually shoot great quality videos without the SLR price. These cameras should do well for bloggers who shoot videos that don’t need super high HD quality videos. I loved my canon point and shoot and it served me very well for several years.

5. DSLR Cameras – Whether you’re a Canon or Nikon fan (the debate lives!), Digital SLR Cameras are the creme de la creme of cameras for bloggers. These cameras shoot flawless photos as well as incredible high definition videos.

I chose the Canon T3i because I found it to be the perfect camera for blogging/vlogging.

  1. It takes HD photos, which are wonderful for great-looking Outfits of the Day or to take photos of the products I’m featuring.
  2. It takes HD videos which is perfect for filming detailed makeup tutorials
  3. Although the camera is on the high-tech side, it’s still quite easy to use.

Choosing the right camera for you really depends on your and your blog’s needs. Do you primarily film  makeup tutorials when the audience needs to see the small details? Do you need to move your camera around or can it be stationary? Do you prefer a small camera that you can stick in your handbag or one that needs a professional camera bag? These are the types of question you need to ask yourself as you search for the right camera for you.

I hope your this blog has helped in any way. Let me know your thoughts on types of cameras discussed above. What has been your experience? What do you look for in a camera?

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