East Coast Luckyfabb 2013

I attended the East Coast Lucky FABB Conference for the first time last week in New York City. If you’re not aware, LuckyFABB is considered the biggest and best fashion and beauty blogger conference in the country. It’s organized by Lucky Magazine and brings celebrities like Drew Barrymore (2013 Lucky FABB West Coast), Eva Mendes and Kate Bosworth. Now that super chic and relatable Eva Chen is the new Eidtor In Chief of the magazine, the hype was monumental. Well, they delivered!

Below are some of my favorite photographs I captured at Lucky Fabb along with short descriptions. To see all of my photos, simply watch my Flickr slideshow at the bottom. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the conference in the comment section.

Eva Chen (Editor In Chief, Lucky Magazine) is interviewed by Lauren Sherman (Editor at Large, Fashionista.com)

Eva Chen (Editor In Chief, Lucky Magazine) is interviews Eva Mendes and talks about her fashion line with New York & Company

I was so lucky to have Eva C. ask Eva M. my question about how her Latina heritage has influenced her fashion and beauty. Ms. Mendes responded by saying that her hispanic family helped develop her confidence and admiration for curvy figures. She has never felt the need to be thinner or change her appearance in any dramatic way because of this upbringing. 

Eva Chen interviews iconic fashion blogger BryanBoy

Eva Chen interviews Kate Bosworth and talks about her new line for TopShop.

Erica Domesek (P.S. – I Made This), Gabi Gregg (GabiFresh), Alison Gould-Simon (Pose) and Verena von Pfetton (Lucky Magazine) discuss how to turn your readers into your advocates.
John Jannuzzi (Lucky Magazine), Aliza Licht (Donna Karan), Suzanne Schloot (Kate Spade New York), Stephanie Horton (FarFetch) and Amy Cole (Instagram) discuss which social media platform is right for you.

Co-Founder of Jimmy Choo, Tamara Mellon, sits with (Lucky Magazine) in the Founders Series

Jessica Flores (Me!) with Tamara Mellon after her interview.
The Man Repeller‘s Leandra Medine answers questions about staying true to your voice when blogging.
An incredible workshop on planning your editorial calendar with Elana Fishman (Lucky magazine) and Jordan Reid (RamshackleGlam.com)
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