Sexy at Every Size

The Huffington Post is one of my favorite resources for comedy and opinion pieces. Today I read/watched an amazing GIF post called Body Acceptance GIFs: What to Watch When You’re Feeling Bad About Your Body (you can see one of GIFs featured below).

The message in the post was basically, “love your body regardless of what your scale says.” I couldn’t agree more.

I hope this won’t be taken the wrong way but I can attest to the fact that women can be sexy at any weight. I spent most of my life as a size 14 and weighed 180lbs, but men always desired me (and I’m not talking weirdo chubby chasers). I was as shocked as anyone else in our post-Barbie society that attractive, successful men thought that I  was just as attractive if not more than my non-calorie challenged friends.

 It truly is all about confidence and having a great personality.

I lost over 40lbs since those days because I wanted to be healthier and live a more active lifestyle. My body is still quite curvy and my husband enjoys every pound of it.


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