Clarisonic and Sigma Cleansing & Polishing Tool Review

The New York Times recently published an article about electronic facial cleansing tools in the Fashion  & Style section called “Skin Cleansing Enters the Electronic Age” by Kayleen Schaefer. I thought this would be the perfect time for me to discuss my cleansing routine and reveal my skin troubles. Watch the video above and see what I think about the Clarisonic Mia and Sigma’s Cleansing & Polishing Tool.

Click on the image below to purchase your very own Sigma Cleansing & Polishing. Remember to use the coupon code on the right hand side of the blog to receive 10% off your purchase. You also get a free a gift when you spend $30 or more! If that’s not a great deal, I don’t know what is!

Click below to purchase your very own Clarisonic!

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