The Good Kind of Vanity

Hey there,

I’d like to introduce everyone to our newest addition to our home – my beautiful Broadway Vanity Mirror by Vanity Girl Hollywood!

I’ve wanted this mirror for over a year and it’s finally mine! I couldn’t recommend this mirror more. Who knew that anyone could easily have a professional, salon-style mirror of their own in their home. My Broadway mirror cost $399 but they have a Starlet mirror for just $299. And it comes with a lifetime warranty. Personally, I feel they’re worth every penny! Every woman deserves to be like a pinup bombshell. Every one deserves to fell like a glamorous celebrity. This is just the thing to do it!

One of the first things I said, as we unpacked the mirror, was that I want to get one for my daughter when she’s older in pink. No joke! That’s how much I love it. Since Catalina is only 5 months old, I’ll have enough time to save up for her glamour room.

Watch my review of Vanity Girl Hollywood’s Broadway Mirror below for more details:

Visit for more information on their products.

Thanks for watching and remember to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.


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