Help us Win $3000

I love fashion. I may not be able to afford most of the items I fall in love with but I do love it. Some of my fondest memories include me and my mother watching fashion week runway shows on local NYC television channels. It is because of my love of fashion that I have been gifted some great items throughout the years – some more great than others. One of my mother’s oldest friends gave me a replica Louis Vuitton bag a year or so ago. I politely said thank you but it’s been sitting in the back of my closet ever since.

I don’t wear fakes or replicas. I just don’t see the point. No matter how good of a replica you have, it will always be nothing more than a fake. I think it’s better to save up the money until you’re able to afford the luxury items you desire or you can purchase a preowned item from reputable consignment stores.

One of the consignment stores I love is Fashionphile. They have great 100% authentic pieces and are meticulous with their descriptions. When you do business with Fashionphile, you know exactly what you’re getting.

Fashionphile is currently doing a “Kill Your Fakes” contest. My baby girl and I submitted this video here as our entry. The winner with the most “likes” will win $3000. Think of the fabulous diaper bag that can buy us! The second and third winner will win $1000 and $300 respectively. Please like our video on the Fashionphile website [YouTube or Facebook likes do not count]. You can like it once a day so we can officially encourage you to vote early and vote often. Thanks for watching and please spread the word.

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